Dermal Fillers in Wolverhampton

For some reasons, our skin might begin to get folds and wrinkles, and we might also suffer from recessed scars and pimples. These might drastically change how we look because of factors such as aging and weight loss. Young skin looks attractive and glowing because of a natural layer of our skin called collagen which fades out when we get older. Fortunately, we can get back our smooth and young-looking skin by use of dermal and wrinkle fillers. Surgical cosmetic procedures, which help to achieve the same results, are costly and have a long recovery period for patients. These factors have attributed to the rise in popularity of the use of dermal fillers Wolverhampton which happens to be an excellent and cheaper alternative to surgical cosmetic procedures.

Dermal fillers are used to:
1. Increase the volume of cheeks to remove gauntness which mostly occurs when fat pads shifts to other parts of the skin.
2. The procedure fills out depressed under eyes.
3. It pumps thin lips and improves its shape and definition along the edges.
4. It helps to get rid of indented pigmented spots, acne and pimples from the face and make your skin young and rejuvenated.

Dermal fillers are mainly divided into two major groups: Natural and synthetic.

Natural fillers are primarily made up of Hyaluronic acid and collagen which is found in the body.
1. Hyaluronic acid is mainly made up of a water compound that makes the skin young and hydrated. As we age, the acid drastically reduces. When injected back into the face, it gets rid of unpleasant line and wrinkles. The procedure involves only a few risks and the patient recovers in only a couple of hours. It, however, lasts for 6-18 months and a follow-up injection is required to maintain the new look.

2. Collagen

Initially, injectable dermal fillers were made from a cow's collagen and injected into the skin of patients. The results were visible, but they only lasted for a month or two. The patients also had a high risk of infections and allergies since the collagen source was from animals. Over the last few years, there have been several ways developed to make natural collagen. Continuous injections of collagen prompt our bodies to produce more of it. This helps us to maintain a young look for an extended period. Although collagen fillers don't last for long, the effects are more natural looking than the use of synthetic dermal fillers.

3. Autologous dermal fillers
This involves the surgical transfer of fat from one area of the body such as thighs and stomach where it's in excess and then it's injected where there is less resulting in permanent outcomes.

Synthetic fillers on the other hand, such as Juvederm can last much longer on the skin as the absorption rate by the body is very gradual. However, the wrinkles will start to return because it does not stop the natural process of aging. Just like any other filler, synthetic ones also have risks associated with it such as redness and bruising. Look for a qualified dermal filler practitioner in Wolverhampton.

Source: Click Here


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